To meet the need of affordable accommodation for those Tibetan patients undergoing treatment in Chandigarh, Delek administration decided to construct a house close to PGI, Chandigarh to accommodate these patients. With funding from the Choyulpa family in Switzerland, in loving memory of their parents, and a land contribution from the President of the Tibetan Children’s Village, Delek was able to build onto an already existing TCV building close to PGI, to include a two-story Delek patients’ hostel which is now in operation. It was inaugurated by the Choyulpa family and was later blessed by His Eminence the 42nd Sakya Trizin Ratna Vajra Rinpoche. It was opened to patients from the 1st of May 2019 on a first come first serve basis with a nominal room rent and is running well. Currently the hostel is being managed by two full-time qualified nursing staff whose duties include coordinating patient referrals from Delek, making appointments and accompanying patients to the hospital. They also collect laboratory and image reports after patients leave Chandigarh and they help with follow-ups, which are crucial. Beyond this busy schedule they also take care of the Delek House maintenance.