The Department of Health, CTA in collaboration with Delek Hospital organized Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) screening at various Tibetan monasteries and nunneries around Dharamshala.
A series of camp was held from 25th March, 2019.
Before every screening a presentation was given by Delek Hospital Doctor Tenzin Namdol on H. Pylori for the basic knowledge and understanding of H. Pylori related diseases such as Peptic Ulcer and Acid Peptic Disease.
Health staff and Delek hospital Doctor conducted free H. Pylori screening for the Tibetan monks and nuns.
A survey questionnaire is filled and a stool sample is collected from each candidate for the primary screening. The candidates are then prescribed appropriate medications and treatment based on their test results.
This project is a pilot project towards eradication of Peptic Ulcer/Acid Peptic Disease and prevention of Gastrointestinal Cancer in Tibetan population with the emphasis among Tibetan monks and nuns.
This project is funded by USAID and MP Pema Chagzoetsang.
-Filed by Public Health Division, Dept. of Health