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Our Medical Services
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Our Medical Services
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Skilled Doctors & Nurses
We Have
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Skilled Doctors & Nurses
We Have
READ MOREOpening Hours
Monday – Friday (8.00 – 17.00)
Emergency Case
We Have Experienced Doctors
24/7 Hours Service
+ 88000 566677
Welcome To MediLink.
Central Hospital
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Our Medical Services
Choose the best for your health
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- Free Consultation
- Quality Doctors
- Professional Experts
- Affordable Price
- 24/7 Opened
We are the trusted experts things simple
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Why Choose Us
What’s Our Speciality
Zero TB in Tibetan Kids
Delek Hospital started its TB control project in 1980. This project was created because of the alarmingly high rates of tuberculosis in the Tibetan community. The biggest challenge has been treating MDR and XDR TB patients, which consumes majority of our TB expenses. In order to strengthen and expand our work on reducing the TB burden significantly in the community, Delek increased its effort in its public outreach, especially among students in order to detect both latent and active TB by screening each individual in schools, monasteries and nunneries. Thus Delek implemented new initiatives, such as TB Reach Project funded by AISPO Italy in the past and the ongoing Zero TB in Kids Project funded by Johns Hopkins University TB Research Center, US.
See All ServicesTogether we can Achieve more things
As part of the nationwide vaccination drive, Delek hospital in Dharamshala, a government approved center has jabbed over 800 people above the age of 45 years since 25th March and 150 healthcare workers before that. Frontline healthcare workers access that apart from the challenges of logistics, disinformation and fear of the vaccine were among the key factors that are keeping people away from getting vaccinated.
See All ServicesOther Services
-> Upper G.I. Endoscopy – Weekly by Dr. Tsetan Sadutshang -> Antenatal Care – Every Thursday by a visiting Gynecologist from Fortis at Kangra. -> Emergency Service -> Ambulance Service -> Executive Health Checkup Plan (Full body checkup)
See All ServicesSpecialist Doctors
Meet our team
How it helps you stay Healthy
Working Process
Highest Quality
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Always Smiling
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